You can use Flightplans Cockpit Map to take Google Maps in the cockpit with you in Microsoft Flight Simulator. You can open any MSFS flight plan and follow your progress on the flight path or just use the Google Map to create a route on-the-fly. Check out the video below for an overview of Cockpit…
Bush Trips
Navigating Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Bush Trips can be a challenge. You can always use the Nav Log bearings and ETEs to navigate the route, but if you want to sight-see the compass and stopwatch can be a burden. You can use the VFR Map, but it doesn’t show town or street names and the elevations are difficult to read. The Nav Log gives descriptions, but often they use road numbers and town names as landmarks which again, the VFR map doesn’t show. Wouldn’t it be nice to have Google maps in the cockpit with you?
Flightplan is a Google Maps flight planning add-on for use with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. You can use Cockpit Map to take Google Maps in the cockpit with you to use real time terrain elevations, road maps, landmarks, satellite views and street view 3D imagery. Flightplan can also be used to create and share your own flight plans using an interactive drag-and-drop, Google Maps interface.
Download Flightplan and try it yourself – the link is at the bottom of the page. You can also download and fly any of our free flight plans using the Download Link at the top. Load them in MSFS World Map and you are ready to fly. For more information see the topics below or check out our YouTube channel or FAQ page.
Happy Flying!

How To Create an MSFS Landing Practice
Using Flightplan, you can easily create a planned approach for any airport (or glacier, lake, etc.). Using the Lap Timer, Cockpit Map will record your progress along the flight path, but only if you are under the assigned altitude. The video shows examples at Sedona and Castillion. The key to creating an accurate landing practice…

How To Create A Flight Plan in MSFS
There are several ways to copy and save flight plans to create a new flight plan (Check out the videos on our YouTube channel link below). There is not currently a specific New button in Flightplan to create a file from scratch. The primary reason for this is that the values that define the aircraft,…

How do I use Google Maps in MSFS?
With Flightplan for Flight Simulator, you can take Google Maps in the cockpit with you. Flightplans Cockpit Map allows you to see the real-time google map beneath you as you fly. Just like on your phone, Google Maps will display road names, place names, landmarks, street views and 3D photogrammetry as you fly. You can…

What do the Google maps push pin icons mean?
It is surprisingly difficult to find a complete legend of all the map icons you might see on Google maps. Below is what was in a Google blog post from 2017 which corresponded with a feature release. This list is most probably not complete, but it was difficult enough to find that we decided to…

How To Download and Fly a Flight Plan in MSFS 2020
All flight plans at are free to fly for everyone. Just create a free account using the Register Now link at the bottom of the login page. Once you have an account, download as many flight plans as you want for as long as you want. If you want to upload your own flight…

How To Create A Bush Trip
You can use Flightplan to create multi-leg flights that mimick the in game Bush Trips in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Flightplan creates Free Flight type flight plans that can be flown in sequence by simply loading the next consecutive flight plan after landing. The Pacific Northwest Series is an example of this. See the YouTube…

How To Create A Landing Practice
You can practice challenging approaches from the MSFS 2020 Bush Trips in Flight Plan. Just copy the Bush Trip to a Free Flight, then delete the waypoints you don’t want. You can use the contour lines on the map to determine your runway elevation if you aren’t certain of it. You can also review the…

Cockpit Map Features
Cockpit Map can be used in place of Microsoft Flight Simulator’s Nav Map. Cockpit Map displays the loaded flight plan along with the current position of your aircraft over the Google map. When launched, Cockpit map will appear at the top right 1/3 of the primary display. It can be moved or resized to whatever…

How To Use Satellite View During Taxi
You can use the Satellite view of Cockpit Map to assist with navigating complicated taxiways. Simply turn on GPS Follow mode, set your Zoom level so that you can read the taxiway and runway markings (if the airport is clearly marked) and select Satellite as your Map. You can then follow the ATC taxi route…